
Students and families are supported through the transition process to ensure that our young people move onto an appropriate and meaningful pathway when they leave YYD. Destinations can include local colleges, specialist colleges, supported internships and support planners/day services.

A person-centred approach to transition is taken to ensure that the students are at the heart of all decision-making and are involved in all aspects of their transition.

Our Careers Wales advisor attends Year 13 and 14 Annual Review/IDP meetings and currently supports families with funding applications to Welsh Government where specialist provision is necessary. It is important to note that this process will be changing from September 2025. Currently, funding for specialist colleges will only be considered if local colleges cannot meet the need of the individual, for example due to complex communication or sensory needs.

As a school we arrange visits to colleges, support with applications and interviews as well as liaising with external agencies to provide a smooth transition from school towards students’ next steps.

The local colleges listed below have courses specifically for students with additional learning needs as well as mainstream courses for those who are working at Level 1 upwards. Transition officers from local colleges are invited to Year 13 and 14 Annual Review/IDP meetings but can attend earlier years if requested.

Local Colleges include:

  • For any further information, please contact Natalie Johnson, Head of KS5 –