Who's who in Key Stage 3

Kerrie Britten
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Kerrie Britten

Head of Secondary

Aaron Ellis
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James Henderson

Assistant Headteacher

Aaron Ellis
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Aaron Ellis

Assistant Headteacher

Josie McAllister
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Lee Oldfield

Head of KS3

General Overview of Key Stage 3

In the Key Stage 3 Department at Ysgol Y Deri, we provide an engaging thematic curriculum covering all areas from Routes to Learning to Progression Step 3. We ensure that all our pupils make outstanding progress through dynamic and creative learning opportunities, whilst encouraging our students to develop their confidence and self-esteem, as they become young adults.

Teaching focuses on all key areas of the Curriculum for Wales developing fundamental skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, and through PSE and Life Skills further supporting our students to become confident and caring members of our community.

Our hardworking and dedicated staff provide creative learning opportunities as well as individual programs, which meet the needs of all our pupils and work alongside Speech and Language, and Occupational Therapists and other specialist professionals delivering therapeutic interventions. This will ensure that through collaborative working, our students reach their full potential.

In Key Stage 3, we work closely with the Primary Department to ensure the transition between Primary and Secondary education is an exciting and happy move for the pupils. In Year 9 (our transition year), as pupils prepare for the move to Key Stage 4 and the options and qualifications that will be open to them, we provide opportunities for the pupils to work with the staff and pupils in the Key Stage 4 Department to ensure that they embark on a successful, personalised pathway into the next phase of their education.

Communication with parents/carers is central to the provision we offer our pupils. Staff teams have regular communication with parents via Class DOJO, where you will receive daily updates via class stories and be able to message the staff team or members of the Key Stage 3 Leadership Team. Class teachers will provide parents/carers with information on how to access ClassDojo. We also hold termly events where you can meet other parents and the teams who are central to your child’s development.

Class Dojo

Following the development of the ‘Curriculum for Wales’, we are working to develop an innovative curriculum, assessment and skills framework. We aim to begin each theme with an immersion day and end with a celebration of all the wonderful learning that has taken place. Activities are planned and developed by staff and pupils. We take into account celebrations, traditions and festivals throughout the year within our learning as well as making the most of the outdoors and the community.

  • Suzie Tyack – Languages, Literacy and Communication
  • Michelle Ball – Mathematics and Numeracy
  • Siobhan Pietzka – Expressive Arts
  • Carys Baker – Science and Technology
  • Tyler Perring – Health and Well-being
  • Ben Castle – Humanities
  • Arwyn Jones – Digital Lead
  • Chloe Davies – Sensory Integration
  • Lisa Rees-Renshaw – Assistive Technology Advisory Teacher

At Ysgol Y Deri, we value creativity and provide many opportunities for our pupils to build their confidence and self–esteem through the development of their creative skills. The curriculum is supplemented by opportunities to work on pupil led projects in our Launchpad using the media of film, ceramics, photography and in our outside areas on the climbing wall and horticulture areas.

Pupils at Ysgol Y Deri have a wide range of musical opportunities, including lessons provided by a specialist music teacher. Further opportunities include drumming, keyboard and guitar tuition. We have a school band, school choir and benefit from a music therapist.