Hafan Leaders

  • Mathew Sweeden – Head of Centre for Derw Newydd & Assistant Headteacher of YYD

  • Hayley Hewson – Head of Department for Hafan

General Overview of Hafan

Hafan is our primary SEMH provision. It is currently sited at Derw Newydd, Barry.​

Hafan caters for pupils with a history of developmental trauma and social, emotional and mental health issues that impacts on their ability to regulate and learn.​​ The staff at Hafan are highly trained in a trauma-informed approach to support the pupils to understand their emotions and help them develop strategies to independently regulate their behaviour, anger and social interactions.​

Through a thematic curriculum we offer a wide range of cross-curricular learning experiences across the 6 areas of learning in line with the New Curriculum:  

  • Language and Communication 
  • Mathematics and Numeracy 
  • Humanities  
  • Expressive Arts 
  • Science and Technology  
  • Health and Wellbeing 

At Hafan, alongside learning, we develop bespoke programmes for the pupils so any interventions are targeted appropriately.​ We use Motional to assess the pupils on entry. We then use these activities to form the basis of daily activities.​ Throughout each day, the pupils also have the opportunity to develop play and social interaction skills.

Primary pupils will explore work related opportunities through a variety of meaningful experiences in learning, work, and entrepreneurship; delivered through timetabled sessions. Skills including teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, planning and organising will be implemented through the curriculum. Pupils will be encouraged to develop the attitudes and behaviours required to overcome barriers to employability, career management and lifelong learning.  These skills will be learnt through real life contexts, including role play, pupil jobs and themed activities around the world of work, including, workshops, off site visits and guest speakers.

Communication with parents/carers is central to the provision we offer our pupils. Staff teams have regular communication with parents via class Class DOJO, where you will receive daily updates via class stories and be able to message the staff team or members of the Primary Leadership Team. Class teachers will provide parents/carers with information on how to access ClassDojo.

Class Dojo