Welcome to The Vale of Glamorgan Early Intervention Base (EIB) and Specialist Resource Base (SRB)

  • Cathryn Mullins (Teacher in Charge of the Early Intervention Base)
  • Hayley Davies (Specialist Teacher at the Early Intervention Base)

  • Lloyd Cozens (Teacher in Charge of the Specialist Resource Base)
  • Contact information: enquiries@yyd.org.uk

The EIB is made up of a team of two specialist teachers, specialist higher level teaching assistants and specialist learning support assistants. Mainstream support staff also attend the EIB with pupils for a day a week of their placement.

The SRB is made up of a team of a specialist teacher, specialist higher level teaching assistants and specialist learning support assistants. Mainstream support staff also attend the SRB with pupils for a day a week of their placement.

The EIB supports pupils aged 3 to 7 years old who have a diagnosis of autism or significant social communication difficulties whilst the SRB supports pupils aged 7 to 11 who have a diagnosis of autism.

Pupils are placed at the EIB/SRB by the Local Authority.

If you feel that this is applicable to your child, please contact your Local Authority or ALN department.

The EIB offers pupils with a diagnosis of autism or social communication difficulties, short term specialist placements for teaching and support alongside attendance at a mainstream setting. The SRB offers pupils with a diagnosis of autism with a year long specialist placement for teaching and support alongside attendance at a mainstream setting.

Pupils attend the EIB and SRB to work on specific targets, relating to social communication, social understanding and social interaction.

There is a period of assessment in order to establish how a pupil’s educational needs can be best met post EIB/SRB placement.

The EIB and SRB supports staff working with a pupil attending the base in order to upskill and capacity build in the mainstream setting so that a pupils educational needs can be met in the long term.

  • The EIB offers Booster (1 day) and Dual (2day) Placements, whilst the SRB only offers a Booster placement (1 day).
  • Placements awarded reflect the level of difficulty a pupil may be experiencing in their mainstream setting. (EIB only)
  • In the EIB, placements are for a maximum for three terms.
  • In the SRB, all placements are for a maximum of a year.
  • Placements are reviewed termly with the team working around the child.

Transport can be arranged via the Local Authority.

EIB  and SRB staff work closely with a range of other professionals and specialist groups and organisations.

These include:

  • Speech and Language Therapy services (Cardiff and Vale Health board)
  • Occupational Therapy (Cardiff and Vale Health board)
  • Careers Wales (Specialist Careers Adviser – Ani Jones-Evans)
  • Child Health and Disability Team (Vale of Glamorgan Family Support Services)